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The Cairngorms In late spring

Late spring in the Cairngorms is a great time to wander. The snow patches add more drama to the scene and cool spring air makes very pleasant walking.

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The Lairig Ghru

One of our favourite walks in Scotland, the Lairig Ghru was once one of the main routes used for driving cattle and transporting goods through the Cairngorm mountains.

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Ben Macdui and the Cairngorm Plateau

There are a few ways to approach the summit of Scotland's second highest mountain, Ben Macdui. The walk from Linn o' Dee, near Braemar, was recently voted as one of the best in Britain.

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My favourite compass

This week has been all about the compass, running a Silver National Navigation Award course. My first ever compass was given to me by my Granda when I was probably 10 years old.

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Carn an Tuirc

A hill I’ve been up many times, although this time views were perfect. One of those days where clouds and hills merge together off and on.

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Lochnagar Sunset

With glorious weather all week I had an itching to get up high for a camp and take in the sunset over the Cairngorms

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Carn a' Mhaim - bike and hike

Fantastic conditions in the Cairngorms for our bike and hike event to Carn a' Mhaim yeasterday. Why not join us for the next one, or contact us to arrange a trip for you! See our events page for planned outings.

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Cairngorm Walk - 19th April 2017

I try to get out every other day for a walk and I try and do a long one at least once a week. When I say long, 25km plus, into a remote area where I can look at that conditions and see the seasonal changes.

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

Bennachie - A long history to be discovered

Each time I go out for a walk I like to learn something new. I've been using field study council publications for a while now, they produce great fold out study guides that fit easily into my rucksack, ranging from lichens to rocks.

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Wild Camping in Scotland

We are very lucky in Scotland, not only do we have the most beautiful landscape on this planet but we also have a right of access to most of the land and inland waters, meaning we can go almost everywhere responsibly.

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Lochnagar - Feb 27th

Mondays don't get much better than this! The good forecast meant I ditched the emails and chores and headed for the hills!

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Morven in the snow

Morven in Aberdeenshire is a Corbett standing at 871m. There are a couple of ways to go up the hill, from Logie Coldstone side. You can also approach from the west, taking in Mona Gowan (749m) or from Ballater.

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A day out hiking with Viewranger

I went up Bennachie last November to take in the sunset, it was one of those days where a warm south westerly wind was bringing over beautiful lenticular clouds, with plenty of visibility, so great for photography. I took a few photos that day, in all directions and I also took one using ViewRanger's new Skyline addition.

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Dark Lochnagar

I've lost count of the times I've been to Lochnagar but I'll never tire of it. There's a reason why so many songs and poems have been sung about the mountain and loch, it's a mysterious place with a stunning landscape that looks different each time I visit.

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Don't get lost!

Hill of Fare, just up from Banchory, is an ideal venue to teach hill and navigation skills.

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