Long Lasting Kit!

What's your oldest piece of kit? 

Mine is a trusty mug that I've been using for quite a few years now....since 1983 to be exact!  It's my (although my brother tries to dispute it, saying it's his, which it's not) BB Centenary celebration mug. How it's lasted that long I don't know but it must be made of strong stuff, even the badge survives!  1983 was a long time ago....I was just a wee boy and sadly I never went very far in the BBs but I did get my Gold badge in the junior section.

You can (and I do) spend a fortune on kit but some kit money can't buy! So if you ever find a 1983 BB mug in a bothy or up a hill it's probably mine! Look after your kit and it really can last for years. 

You can see my mug in the picture, inside an estate vehicle which I took shelter in just after I realised the bridge over the River Tromie had been destroyed, meaning two river crossings in one day!


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